What Are You Doing With Your Old Cell Phone?

It is hard to think about the future of recycling with out thinking about our personal electronics. Every person I know has a cell phone. We not only use them as phones, we use them to keep control of our lives. We stay on top of our email from our smart phones and so much more. With even an old smartphone you can keep your calendar, google more topics than we can even imagine, surf the web, send and receive text or instant messages, obtain directions, and even send pictures. With the newest technology, you can do even more. But what do we do when we are finished with our mobile technology.

Many of us have a box of old phones hanging around the house because we know we shouldn't just throw them away. Unfortunately, too much of our personal technology reaches the landfill. The good news is that there are companies out there trying to make Green Mobile Technology.

What is Green Mobile Technology? To quote Jenny Beswick "Green Mobile Technology is the manufacturing of mobile phones using Eco-friendly resources and materials." Basically it is developing processes to remove as many of the harmful substances that adversely affect our environment as possible.

Read Jenny Beswick's article in Manufacturing Digital to get a better understanding of what is being done by some major manufactures to make our mobile technology more green.


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